Olympia is situated in the region of Elis in Western Peloponnese. Originally dedicated to Zeus, it was an important religious sanctuary of the ancient Greek world and as such it attracted visitors from all the Greek world. It was the home of the statue of Zeus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, which were first organized there in the 8th century B.C. and took place every four years until the 4th century A.D. While the Olympic Games were taking place, Olympic Truce was declared so that athletes, who could only be freeborn Greeks, could travel peacefully to Olympia and take part in the Games, thus honouring Zeus.
Since the modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896, Olympia has been their starting point as it is the place where the Olympic flame is lit every four years before it travels to the city that hosts the Olympic Games.
A Class
Our Trip
We will drive along the coastal road to the Corinth Canal, where we can stop briefly to admire the view. Then we will set off for Olympia, travelling through Central Peloponnese and passing by the cities of Tripoli and Megalopoli. After we enjoy the drive through the Greek countryside we will arrive in Olympia, where we can visit the archaeological site with the sanctuary of the Olympian Zeus, the Ancient Stadium, the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of the History of the Ancient Olympic Games and/or the Modern Olympic Games Museum. If you are into running, you can experience a run in the ancient Olympic Stadium, beginning at the ancient starting line which is still visible today.
After our visit to Olympia has been complete, we will travel back to Athens, where we will arrive early in the evening.
Full Day Trip
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